Free CCAT Practice Test
On this page you can find a free 2025 updated CCAT test, in PDF format or directly on our site. This practice exam contains a wide variety of CCAT questions, so you can see what the Criteria Cognitive Ability test questions look like.
For more practice questions and answers for the CCAT, we suggest you visit this site. If you prefer to practice the sample test online and take a test simulation that is as close to the real exam as possible, go to JobTestPrep. Practicing full-length tests will help you get used to the time limit and will make the real exam seem less intimidating on the day of the real test.
This simulation contains 30-questions, and you have 9-minutes to try to answer all of them. The style of the questions and their level corresponds exactly to the original CCAT that you will need to pass for your recruitment. It is extremely important that you become acquainted with the different question types presented and explained in this simulation, as they are very similar to the real ones. Familiarity with them will help you save a lot of time on the exam, therefore allowing you to answer more questions.
During this free simulation you need to answer correctly as fast as possible, because you only have 18 seconds per question, as with the real Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test. If you don't know how to answer a question, don't get stuck on it, and move on to the next question. Don't answer the questions randomly, as you may be able to go back to them if you have time left.
Free CCAT Questions
1. 1 cookbook is sold for $9.50. Marie intends to buy 3 cookbooks. How much does she have to pay when she goes to the checkout at the store?
- $22
- $23.50
- $26.50
- $28
- $28.50
2. Martin wants to buy a chocolate ice cream. The price of an ice ball is $1.50 but there is a promotion and for 3 balls purchased, the fourth is for free. How much will Martin have to pay if he buys four scoops of ice cream for himself and four for his girlfriend?
- $8
- $8.50
- $9
- $10
- $11.50
3. Which of the following values is the smallest?
- 0.04
- 0.09
- 1.12
- 1.004
- 0.05
4. Which of the following values is the highest?
- 1.008
- 0.009
- 1.08
- 1.004
- 1.8
5. 20 is 20% of what number?
- 50
- 100
- 200
- 250
- 300
6. 48 is 80% of what number?
- 50
- 55
- 60
- 65
- 70
7. On Monday, 50 children bought a ticket for the ghost train attraction. If 30% more children bought a ticket to this attraction on the following Tuesday, how many tickets were sold during those two days?
- 30
- 65
- 85
- 115
- 165
8. One kilo of Persian rice is sold for $5 per kilo. For 4 kilos purchased, the seller offers a 20% discount. If Josephine bought 12 kilos of rice, how much did she pay in total?
- $48
- $52
- $58
- $60
- $64
9. It takes Max three hours to run 30 kilometers. Georges, on the other hand, travels the same distance in 2 hours and 20 minutes. If both are to complete a 15-kilometre race, how long before Max will Georges arrive to the finish line?
- 10 minutes
- 20 minutes
- 30 minutes
- 40 minutes
- 50 minutes
10. A group of four numbers has an average of 14. The first three numbers are 11, 12 and 17. What's the missing number?
- 11
- 13
- 15
- 16
- 18
11. Peter has a box containing 65 red and blue balls. Counting them, he realizes that there is a ratio of 3 red balls to 10 blue balls. How many blue balls does he have in total?
- 15
- 20
- 30
- 45
- 50
12. Jean has 5 shirts, 3 ties, 6 trousers and 2 coats in his wardrobe. How many different sets can he compose using a garment in each category each time?
- 60
- 80
- 180
- 200
- 220
13. What would be the next number in the following series?
1 … 10 … 2 … 9 … 3 … ?
- 5
- 8
- 10
- 11
- 12
14. What would be the next number in the following series?
1 … 3 … 7 … 15 … 31 … ?
- 63
- 75
- 83
- 92
- 94
15. If there are 500 employees in Vista Equity Partners, how many of them have worked there for between 2 and 10 years?

- 150
- 155
- 200
- 250
- 255
16. What is the average salary of program managers, private equity analysts and senior accountants together?

- $86K
- $87K
- $91K
- $93K
- $97K
17. Which of the following boxes should replace the question mark (?) to complete the pattern?

18. Which of the following does not belong?

19. Which of the following boxes should replace the question mark (?) to complete the pattern?

20. Choose the word that is most nearly the OPPOSITE to the world in capital letters.
- fanaticism
- attachment
- calm
- frenzy
- hate
21. Choose the word that is most nearly the OPPOSITE to the world in capital letters.
- silly
- strong
- unhinged
- ingenious
- intelligent
22. What would be the next group of letters in the following series?
23. What would be the next group of letters in the following series?
SZ … YR … QX … WP … ?
- NU
- OV
- MT
- LZ
- OW
24. Choose the word of words that, when inserted in the sentence to replace the blank or blanks, fits the best with the meaning of the sentence.
Don't miss the visit to Osaka Castle, the Shinsekai district and the climb to the Umeda Sky for a ___ view of the city.
- panoramic
- low
- spherical
- circular
- golden
25. Choose the word of words that, when inserted in the sentence to replace the blank or blanks, fits the best with the meaning of the sentence.
On the occasion of its 30th anniversary, a large ___ of sandwich-pastry stores in Belgium has been ranked as the most ___ sandwiches in the Kingdom.
- frame ... best
- succession ... bad
- chain ... popular
- closing ... nice
- line ... spicy
26. FRONTIER is to COUNTRY as...
- LEG is to ARM
- PRAY is to LOVE
- SICK is to FLU
- HATE is to ANGER
28. How many of the five items in the left column are exactly the same as the corresponding entry in the right column?
Terry N. Zapata | Terry N. Zapata |
Julie C. Cooper | Julie C. Cooper |
Kylie M. Anderson | Kyle M. Anderson |
Timothy C. Harris | Timothy C. Harrys |
Mary D. Petry | Mary D. Pettry |
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
29. Assume the first two statements are true. Is the final statement: 1) true, 2) false, or 3) uncertain based on the information provided?
Everything that is small is cute.
A kitten is small.
Therefore, a kitten is not cute.
- True
- False
- Uncertain
30. Four individuals of different sizes - Elisabeth, Kiera, Guy and Amos - behave according to the following rule: each one trusts exclusively an individual of a higher size than him or herself. We know that Elisabeth only trusts Kiera.
One of the following situations is not possible. Which one?
- Amos trusts Kiera
- Guy does not trust Amos
- Amos only trusts Elisabeth
- Guy trusts everyone else
- Guy trusts Kiera
Answers To The Questions
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
E | C | A | E | B | C | D | A | B | D |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
E | C | B | A | E | C | B | D | D | C |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
A | D | B | A | C | A | A | B | B | C |
1. A cookbook costs $9.50, so 3 cookbooks cost $28.50.
2. By purchasing 8 scoops of ice cream in total, Martin pays only the price equivalent to 6 scoops. So, he pays 6 times $1.50, which equals to $9.
3. The smallest value is 0.04.
4. The greatest value is 1.8.
5. 20% of 100 equals 20.
6. 80% of 60 equals 48. The easiest way to do this calculation is to report to 10, 8 versus 10, then multiply by 6 to get to 48 and 60.
7. 30% of 50 equals 15% of 100, so 15. By adding up the 50 children on Monday and 50-15 children on Tuesday, we get a total of 115 children.
8. 4 kilos bought without the discount equal $20. A 20% reduction on this $20 is equal to $4 (we do 10% and multiply by 2), so $16 for 4 kilos. By buying 12 kilos, Josephine pays 3 times $16, which equals $48.
9. If Max completes 30 kilometers in 3 hours, then he completes 15 kilometers in 1 hour and a half (90 minutes). Georges travels 30 kilometers in 2 hours and 20 minutes, that is, in 140 minutes, so he travels 15 kilometers in 1 hour and 10 minutes (70 minutes). The time difference between them is 20 minutes.
10. If 4 numbers have an average of 14, then the total of these 4 numbers is equal to 14 times 4, that is, 56. The addition of the first three numbers equals to 40, so the number 16 is missing in order to reach 56.
11. For 13 balls we have three red balls and 10 blue balls. By dividing 65 by 13, you get 5, so there are 15 red balls (5 times 3) and 50 blue balls (5 times 10).
12. We multiply all the numbers: 5 times 3 times 6 times 2 is equal to 180.
13. 1 + 9 (10) - 8 (2) + 7 (9) - 6 (3) + 5 (8).
14. 1 + 2 (3) + 4 (7) + 8 (15) + 16 (31) + 32 (63).
15. 25% - 26% equals 31% and 31% of 500 equals 255.
16. The four salaries are added up: 108 - 107 - 58 makes a total of 273. You divide by three and you get an average of 91.
17. All the figures have 4 corners, so the next figure is the parallelogram.
18. 2 shapes are colored in each figure, so the intruder is the D.
19. In the first column there are always four colored boxes, in the second five and in the third six, so the right proposition is the answer D.
20. The meaning of the word "passion" is to be passionate, emotional and intense, so the nearest opposite is "calm".
21. The meaning of the word "smart" is to be cunning and astute, so the nearest opposite is "silly".
22. Each letter in the suite follows the alphabetical order with the corresponding letter of the following word: AOHV … BPIW … CQJX … DRKY … ESLZ
23. The sequel is presented in series of two letters which follow a reverse alphabetical order reversing as well their positions within the couple: the first series begins with the letter S and then in the second element (R), moves into second position and so on:
SZ … YR … QX … WP … OV
24. The missing word is "panoramic."
25. The missing words are "chain" and "popular."
26. "The border delimits the end of a country." The corresponding analogy is that "midnight delimits the end of a day."
27. "Manifestation" has the same meaning as the word "insurrection" but implies a lower degree of intensity. The same relationship in the same order exists between "care" and "adoration."
28. Kylie M. Anderson, Timothy C. Harris and Mary D. Petry are written differently.
29. The logical conclusion after combining the first two sentences is that a kitten is cute.
30. It is impossible for Amos to trust only Elisabeth since we know that Kiera is bigger than Elisabeth.
For more practice questions for the CCAT, we suggest you visit this site:
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